Triple X Portfolio Builder is a simple online tool that helps you create a personalized investment portfolio using real historical data and easy-to-understand charts. It lets you adjust risk levels and see clear comparisons, so you can make smarter investment decisions. If no portfolio combination meets the selected target risk, it is likely because the strategies haven't been around as long as the chosen starting date.
Triple X Portfolio Builder
Standard deviation shows how much returns vary from the average. A higher standard deviation means bigger ups and downs, making the strategy more unpredictable and possibly riskier. For example, the S&P 500 Index standard deviation has typically been between 16 and 17.
Strategic Portfolio Allocation
The allocation distributes 100% of the portfolio in 5% increments, ensuring each strategy meets its specified limits.
Compound Annual Growth Rate
CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) is the annualized return rate, assuming reinvested profits.
Per Year Returns
Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investing involves risk, including potential loss of principal.
Growth of $10,000
Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investing involves risk, including potential loss of principal.
Portfolio CAGR Range
Portfolio CAGR over selected periods (best and worst case) based on rolling windows.
Performance Attribution (%)
This chart shows each strategy’s percentage contribution to the portfolio’s return over selected timeframes.
Risk vs. Return
This scatter plot illustrates each strategy’s risk (standard deviation) versus its return (CAGR), helping you evaluate their risk-adjusted performance.
Correlation Heatmap
The correlation heatmap visually displays the pairwise correlations between strategies' annual returns, highlighting diversification benefits and potential co-movements.