Investor Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Use this tool to discover your investment risk tolerance based on your personal responses to each question. Answer all ten questions honestly, and your overall risk profile—ranging from Conservative to Very Aggressive—will be determined BELOW.

Investor Risk Assessment Questionnaire

1. When you see a significant market downturn, how do you usually react?

2. How do you view investment losses?

3. What is your time horizon for investing?

4. How important is capital preservation to you?

5. When evaluating an investment, how do you weigh potential returns versus risks?

6. How do you feel about staying informed on market trends and research?

7. How do you react if your portfolio experiences a short-term loss of 15%?

8. What is your approach to investment diversification?

9. How often do you adjust your investment portfolio?

10. How do you decide when to take profits or cut losses?